Zhou Ji, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering: Promote the digital transformation and intelligent upgrading of the shipbuilding industry
TIME:2024-01-16 16:21 Source:World Marine Equipment Conference      Translation: 21CMCC


To promote new industrialization and accelerate the construction of a shipbuilding and manufacturing power, what kind of technological route should we take? Intelligent manufacturing should be the main direction of attack. From now to 2035, China's intelligent manufacturing development will be divided into two stages to achieve. 

The first stage of digital transformation, in-depth promotion of the "major action of digital transformation of manufacturing industry", by 2027, the basic realization of digital transformation of enterprises, digital manufacturing in the national industrial enterprises are basically popular. The second stage of intelligent upgrading, further promote the "major action of intelligent upgrading of manufacturing industry", by 2035, the enterprises on the regulation basically achieve intelligent upgrading, digital network intelligent manufacturing is basically popular in the national industrial enterprises, China's intelligent manufacturing technology and application level is in the forefront of the world, China's manufacturing industry intelligent upgrading is in the forefront of the world. 

In the next five years, the digital transformation of industrial enterprises is the main battlefield to promote intelligent manufacturing and achieve the innovation and development of China's manufacturing industry, and it is necessary to concentrate the advantageous forces and promote the "major action of the digital transformation of the shipbuilding industry" in the national shipbuilding industry front. The national shipbuilding industry front mobilization, with enterprises as the main body, industry, university, research and financial consultative Conference to promote, to strive for the basic popularization of digital manufacturing in the national shipbuilding industry enterprises by 2027, and the digital transformation of enterprises is basically completed. 

Artificial intelligence has entered the era of large models, and its application performance has undergone qualitative changes, which will empower thousands of industries and realize the intelligent transformation of all walks of life. In the next five years, it is recommended to focus on the research, pilot and demonstration of a new generation of intelligent manufacturing technology in the field of shipbuilding, and fully prepare for the "major action of intelligent upgrading of the shipbuilding industry front" from 2028 to 2035. 

Source:World Marine Equipment Conference      Translation: 21CMCC